An overall concept for the diversity of mobility needs. AMS has the right solution for your requirement.
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Sustainability begins with responsibility. AMS has developed a concept that gives users more freedom of choice, but also more responsibility. This promotes sustainable mobility behavior among users. This is a first step toward a new mobility culture. The company’s employees have a free choice: from the (electric) bicycle or JOB-BIKE to the car or JOB-CAR or other means of transport; from the mobility budget via the MobilityCard to corporate car sharing with automated logbook accounting.
Mobility Budget
AMS mobility solutions turn the company car policy into a modern mobility policy. The user can decide for himself which means of transport he wants to use within the framework of his mobility budget. AMS connects the (electric) car with the (electric) bicycle – and with other modes of transport.
The mobility budget addresses the economic interest of the vehicle user or employee. The employee is obliged to AMS to compensate all vehicle and mobility costs that are not covered by the mobility budget. Therefore, the mobility budget is an effective control tool.
Due to the mobility budget, the user has more flexibility in mobility choices. This promotes a modern mobility culture that is less influenced by status thinking. Switching to a smaller vehicle or to a vehicle with modern drive technology is made easier because the user can switch to other modes of transport at any time and choose a vehicle with an internal combustion engine for individual trips, for example.
The mobility budget can be agreed as a simple flat rate – regardless of the mileage – or as a two-part flat rate consisting of a base amount and a mileage amount. Only the two-part flat rate does justice to the user’s official mileage.

AMS offers a MobilityCard as part of the mobility budget, which can be used as a substitute or in addition to the vehicle rental. The costs that the user pays with the MobilityCard are set against the agreed mobility budget. AMS settles additional costs directly with the user at the company’s request.
With the MobilityCard, the user has the freedom to choose the most suitable mobility solutions. At the employer’s request, the billing of individual costs – divided into tax-exempt and tax-privileged services – takes place directly between the user and AMS. The employer has no expense other than a monthly posting. The administrative effort associated with a company car and vehicle transfer is eliminated. The employer is exempt from all cost and liability risks.
Fleet management
AMS offers various mobility solutions for the organization of company mobility. This also includes taking over activities associated with the management of the existing car fleet or the company vehicle fleet.
This begins with the procurement of the individual vehicles, continues with the selection of the insurer and the checking of workshop invoices and other operating costs, and ends with the disposal of the vehicle at the end of its agreed useful life. AMS also takes care of the driver’s license check and ensures that the safety inspections required by accident prevention regulations (UVV) are carried out on time.
With our fuel or charging cards, drivers can refuel or charge their vehicles throughout Europe without cash and obtain other services (tire changes, vehicle washing, etc.). We pay all costs and issue a monthly collective invoice. This means that you only have to post one invoice per month instead of many individual receipts.

Corporate Car-Sharing & Logbook System
AMS has developed the automated driver’s logbook system IFAS for in-house car sharing. With IFAS, all journeys are recorded and processed automatically without gaps – with driver identification if desired. In this way, the vehicle costs can be properly allocated to the various cost centers and trip reasons without any additional administrative effort.
The IFAS driver’s logbook system also fulfills the requirements of a tax driver’s logbook and can therefore also be used to determine the non-monetary value for tax purposes.
The proper allocation of vehicle costs according to business and private mileage is an important step on the way to a sustainable mobility culture in companies – and a contribution to cost reduction. In contrast to the usual logbook method, a non-cash benefit is excluded. This also eliminates the risk of subsequent tax charges for the employer.
The employee’s usage fee reduces the employer’s vehicle costs. If desired, private trips can be invoiced directly between AMS and the employee – and thus without any additional effort for the employer.
FAQ on mobility solutions
What is a mobility budget?
With the mobility budget, the employer and employee have a clearly defined cost framework so that the employee is free to choose the means of transport. This also applies in the event that he selects a leased vehicle. In this case, the amount of the mobility budget should be adjusted to the business mileage. If the costs are higher than the agreed budget, AMS settles the shortfall with the employee.
How can the MobilityCard be used?
With the MobilityCard from AMS, employees can settle all business and private mobility costs without cash. AMS offsets the costs against the mobility budget that the employee has agreed with the employer. AMS settles any shortfall with the employee.
How helpful is the AMS fleet management?
We support your fleet manager and ensure lean processes: from the purchase of vehicles to their disposal at the end of the lease term. Based on our decades of experience, we know the cost risks of a fleet. With our mobility solutions, we contribute to a change in mentality among users. In this way, we promote a sustainable change in mobility. We have a solution for many requirements. Put us to the test!
How does corporate car sharing work?
In most companies, the pool vehicles in the fleet may only be used for business purposes. Private use is not desired for tax reasons. People are afraid of the risk of subsequent tax charges. The tax risk of additional charges is eliminated if the company opts for corporate car sharing developed by AMS. In this case, every private trip made by an employee is guaranteed to reduce the company’s costs. AMS settles the trips with the employee and credits the amount to the employer. The accounting of the journeys is fully automatic. The data is imported directly into the employer’s payroll system via an interface.
How convenient is the AMS logbook system?
With the AMS electronic driver’s logbook system, all journeys are recorded automatically and without gaps. Driver identification is also available on request. For business trips, the user only enters the purpose. In this way, the costs of a vehicle can be properly allocated and assigned to the various cost centers without any administrative effort for the employer. The AMS electronic driver’s logbook system can also be used for tax purposes, as it meets the requirements of Section 146 (4) AO. In 2010, the supreme tax authorities of the federal and state governments had approved a corresponding application by AMS, so there is legal certainty. The data protection requirements are also met because the employer does not have access to the private journeys.
Get in touch with us
Do you want to put your company car regulations to the test? Do you want to promote mobility change through a new mobility culture? Do you want to use tax advantages to strengthen employee loyalty? Do you want to increase the real income of your employees in a cost-neutral way? Then you should talk to us. We can do more than finance.